Jump-Location is an autojump for PowerShell. We are happy to announce that Jump-Location 0.6.0 is out!

Release notes

  1. Fix problem that cause powershell slows down 5 times when the module is loaded.
  2. Fix for Issue with space in folder names
  3. jumpstat -cleanup removes obsolete (non-existing anymore) records from the database.
  4. jumpstat -scan . recursively adds directories from the current directory with 0 weight.
  5. Main cmdlet renamed from ‘Jump-Location’ to ‘Set-JumpLocation’.
  6. Install from http://psget.net/
  7. Set-JumpLocation now use Push-Location by default, and you can use j - or popd to go back:
    C:\foo> j bar
    C:\bar> j -


Follow github installation instruction.


If you are already using Jump-Location, you can update your version with the script:

(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://vors.github.io/bin/JumpUpgrade.ps1") | iex


  1. Scott Hanselman, for a blog post about Jump-Location and opened github issues. The interest created by his blog post is the reason for release 0.6.0.
  2. Jason Shirk, for code reviews and feedback.
  3. LCHarold, for choco install Jump-Location.
  4. Chris Bentivenga for PsGet Install-Module Jump.Location.
  5. Contributors and everybody who reported issues.